Thursday, October 29, 2009


Mustaqim Bin Azlan .

Ahmad Wai'edin Bin Jamaludin .

Jiihan Nasir Binti Jamal Nasir .


I'm sorry for not updating this blog for a long time.For sure you guys know why.I'm having my SPM in 18 days.So yeah.Plus i just got back my laptop for like about 3 weeks or more.As you all know my brother took it for his last assignment and its good for me,if i have this laptop in my house i will never stop online-ing

Many things that happened to me this past few weeks.There's bad and good.But i just except is with my open heart.Today(29/10/2009) i just did something that event my self cant believe that i did it.I'm proud of myself actually.Obviously i cant write it here.Its kind of personal.Only the people near me will know about this.

So yeah wish me luck for my SPM.And i will see you guys after SPM ok.We can enjoy after that.Name any place i will be there!!

Love you guys always.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

*waving to spm*

well look!
it's jiihan's half abandoned blog!
its finally coming to life!
haha okey so let's cut the chase.

SPM, hectic life, friends and the brother who took away the laptop from her - that's why it's so quite in her blog.
that's why im here to update it.

SPM is in one month. (wish her luck!)
and i think she's freaking out. (go study laaaa)
so all we can do to help her right now is :-
1) dont ask her to go out too often
2) advice her to study

3) pray for her

4) and well, dont make her life so difficult! ( I MEAN IT!)

so, do understand her situation right now aight! :)

and happy bday mus. HAHA

oh and..
faham faham je lah