Monday, March 2, 2009


Today at school was quiet boring.As normal woke up early and mandi2 and went to school.I was pist off with my physics teacher today.What a snobish teacher she is.We have a free period on the 8th and 9th because my b.m teahcer did not come.He went to the olahraga i thing so.So this phsc teacher took the opputurnity to realive(mcm 2 kot eja) our class.I was the one who found out about she realiving our class.I went to her and ask her is there any 11th period.Because if there is no 11th period i want to tell my classmates.then she told me.No,there is 11th period because she wants to bincang this and that la apa la..then i was like 'bapak ah x kn smpi 4 masa(2 hours) kowt,lama gyla'.then she said 2 hours learling phycs man..mana can tahan.So i decided 2 enter the 1st two period and ponteng another two period.Luckly for us(sape2 yg ponteng) she did not realise that we are not in the class.either she did not realise or she dnt care i dnt knw la kn.lantak la kn.haha.And and and i fail my hate physc anyway.haha..

And this are some pictures from yesterday.We went lepak at old town taipan.Jia yi was the one who insist to go so much because she tak makan lunch lagi.Kesian die and she had a flue today and i dah berjangkit!!damn it babe!!haha.And pictures from last Saturday masa merentas desa.

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