Sunday, August 23, 2009

Life Must Go On

Hey people.How are you guys doing on the first day of holiday?

I must say that my first day of holiday sucks man.I'm so bored and i don't know what to do.I wanna study but seriously i cant study at home.There are so much thing that distract my mind from study.My laptop my bed but not food obviously.CZ its ramadhan.SELAMAT BERPUASA EVERYONE!Please please help me people.i need to go out and study.i need to work my mind out.I need to study SPM is almost here.Plus i don't know where to study.Mcd memang tak la kn.Wait is hypermedia in taipan still there?Some said that it has been closed.Some said it is still there.Could somebody tell me weather it is still there or not.Thank you.

OK lah people i need to go now.I need to take my shower and think where should i go study and all.Or i just need to concentrate on my studiest and dont look at my laptop and my bed.Haha.Wish me luck OK people.

Thank you.

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