Thursday, October 29, 2009


I'm sorry for not updating this blog for a long time.For sure you guys know why.I'm having my SPM in 18 days.So yeah.Plus i just got back my laptop for like about 3 weeks or more.As you all know my brother took it for his last assignment and its good for me,if i have this laptop in my house i will never stop online-ing

Many things that happened to me this past few weeks.There's bad and good.But i just except is with my open heart.Today(29/10/2009) i just did something that event my self cant believe that i did it.I'm proud of myself actually.Obviously i cant write it here.Its kind of personal.Only the people near me will know about this.

So yeah wish me luck for my SPM.And i will see you guys after SPM ok.We can enjoy after that.Name any place i will be there!!

Love you guys always.

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