Ok thats not actually what my tittle are for.The tittle i wrote is actually for me to make my self to realise that we gurls dont la slalu sangat syok sendiri.I was likeing this one guy by the name *****.But unfortunatly im not been treated very well by taht guy.All of my friends has told me not to have a serious crush on him cz they have a bad feeling towards him.But i just ignore what they said.Then one day i excidently meet him i approch to him.Myb he did not realise i was there KOWT.Then he was like um eh hai.Just like that.Then the other night i meet him again.Iwas the one who approch him again.Ok myb im the one with the "mata liar" la kn.His reaction was almost alike.Just this time he was just looking at me and did not say a word at all.That time it really stricks into my head oh my god whats got into him man.Then after a while he walk next to the table that im sitting he took a chair at the next table.He did not even look at me.Ok x logik la kn kalo x nmpk.Im not that small la kn.Then my friend was like jiihan asl mamat 2 x tego u lgsng.I was like ah lantak la..Ok that just end there.I got home afew hours later and on9 as usual.Then after an hour he on9.i nudge him.then he was like nk layn n x nk layn.Im starting to thing of something.Then he did not even replied my conversation all nite padahal die on 2.waht he was thingking i dnt knw la kn.Ok if he is bz im sorry la kn.but just tell me that u r bz.Just dnt ignore me like that.On the same nite i talk to my friend then she said weyh da la wake up la jiihan.mamat to bodoh la.Iwas like thingking for a few mint then i was like ok go to hell la *****.
So now im starting a new life and starting to find a new crush..haha.suka2 je mcm tuka baju je tuka crush kn..haha.So good bye *****.Hope we could be friends ONLY one day.haha.And thnkx to my friends who had help me alot through this things.ily sayang!!and yeah i need a new crush la weyh.Im bored beeing single for a long time.
Here are some pictures from last nite at emilia's party.sorry sape x d ajak.mmg die ajak 10 orang je..sorry k u guys!!!
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