Saturday, May 30, 2009

Funny stuff

I just got back from kampung.Today we had doa selamat as usual for my grandfather.He is an old man that had been paralise almost 2 years i guess.I cant really remember.But for me it has been a long time.I miss the time he took me and my cousin's go jalan2 in his car the stright balik kampung and buy me gula gula and the time's he scream's at us about how loud our voice is and those stuff.I miss you atok.But what can i say people grow old.Adik selalu doa kn atok taw.Btw he is not dead yet but just paralise.

Ok get back to my topic here.Today i had a lot of fun and i ate alot too.Lol.I woke up at 9.30 something because i had to go to a hospital near the master mind.Is that a hospital or a clinic im not sure.Haha.I had some problems that i cant really tell you guys.It's something about a teenage girl.I went there with my mom.Our usual doctor recemand us to go there.He said the doc. name is Datuk Dr. Subramaniam.So my mom said cnfm the price must be *Boom*.Then as we enter the room.A young doc. is there and he said he is Dr. subramaniam.My mom ask him are you the Datuk.why do you look so young.Then he said he is a doc not Datuk.Then my mom said are you his son then he said no im the amployie.Ok so what ever la kn.He ask me to baring then suddenly he ask me.You penah cukur misai or jangut tak?I was lik wht the ****.I say NO!!My mom start to freak out and ask the doc.Is my daughter is becoming a guy or what.Then the doc. laugh like there's no tomorow.He said it has to do something with the hormon la.Me and my mom start to laught like there's tomorow also.Then i got up he was talking to my mom about something that i could not hear.bla bla bala.A few minutes later when i was about to be done with him.He ask me are you a sexual active person.I was shock and stright away say NO.Ok cnfm la kn.Im not a sex maniac.haha.=)

Then just now at kampung me and lily had done somthing bad towards my brother.My grandmother called him apit instead of afiiq.Then lily was trying to correct her with afiiq not nenek still cant pronause it correctly.Suddenly this words come out of my mouth.Apit tersepit kena kepit.Hahaha.I laugh and laugh and laugh so do lily.My brother said i kena sawan because i laugh till i jatuh katil.He was like damn angry.Then lily's turn to come out with one sentance.I cant remember what is tht sentance actually but it has a word of abg pit and somthing mat lempit and tah pape tah lagi.My brother halau me from the room then he went out and report to my mom.I went out and say those words infront of my mom and aunty they also laugh.Haha.Sorry abang.we had so much fun today at kampung.Tomorow im going back to kampung hope it will be as fun as today.

Isnt that funny.=)

p/s:Abang im so sorry i didnt mean to.But it came out just like that.Hehe.I love you abang!


Hai nama saya Jiihan nasir.Saya berumur 17 tahun.Saya suka merepek.Saya skolah dekat sekolah paling kolot sekali,Sekola Menenagh Kebangsaan Seafield.Saya berada dalam kelas 5 Fasih.Saya tidak saba untuk habis sekolah dah berambus daripada sekolah itu kerana saya sangat benci akan sekolah itu.Saya benci akan struktur bagunan sekolah itu sayan benci akn guru guru ny(btw selamat hari guru kepada semua cikgu) saya juga benci pada rakan rakan yang sangat saya sayang dan hormati kerana mereka selalu buat saya gembira dah mereka lah yang membahagia kn saya di sekolah itu.Tanpa korang tiada lah kebahagian di dalam hidup saya di sekolah itu.Saya sangat sayang akan kamu semua lah baby baby ku.(Pang jiayi,hafiz nadzarawi,aqilah aliyana,hanna sofea,sulaiman yazid)<3

Saya mempunyai sepasang kasot sekolah yang sangat kotor.Saya tidak suka membasuh kasut sekolah saya.Bagi saya tiada guna pun kalo basuh.Buang air + tenaga + masa saya sahaja.Ayah saya sanagt suka membebel kepada saya supaya saya basuh kasuh.Tetapi saya tida mengendah kn ny.Dia telah mencampak kn ny ke dalam besen dan paksa sayan untuk membasuh ny.Saya dengan perasaan taidak senang hati pon menjeri jerit la apa la masalah orang tua ni.Kalo nak basuh sgt basuh la sendiri .Bukan die yang pakai pun.Pada akhir ny saya tepaksa la basuh gak kn sebab dah masuk dalam besen tu die da siap takok air.So sekarang kasut saya sudah lah bersih sedikit.

Saya sebenar ny tengah bosan.Saya tidak tahu apa nak buat.Jadi saya pon merepek lah dekat sini.Memandang kan kat sini je yang saya bole tulis panjang lebar kalo tempat lain tu tak ada.Saya memang suka sangat merepek.Jadi kalo kamu semua tidak tahan cakap awal awal ok.Saya tidak akan merepek kat korang semua.Saya pastia akan cari orang lain.

Mulai minggu depan 1 hari bulan june bermula lah cuti sekola.Itu lagi satu masalah.Apa saya nak buat untuk cuti sekolah ini??Dengan duit tak ada apa pun tak ada.Yang ada cuma laptop,katil,makanan dan tusyn dan dan dan BUKU!!Kpd semua yang mengenali saya list saya yang terakhir itu memang tidak lah akn ku

Ok lah sampi sini saja lah saya merepk.Pada kn saya merepk tah pape tah lg baik saya pergi melabuh kn bontot saya di katil nan inda di dalam bilik saya itu dan TIDUR!!!Sekian yea kawan kawan semua.Saya sayang akan kamu semua!!Terima kasih kerana membaca. =P


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Exam's over!!

Yeay.Finally after 3 week's of surfecation finally exam is over and holiday is coming!!


Btw sorry to sulaiman yazid for my mood swing last monday.I tetbe je mara you.Janagn take it seriously ok.I rindu nak lepak dengan you dah 3 hari kita tak lepak together.Sorry leman!!!! ='(

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Exam + delima = i dont know

Gosh.i cant think how did i sit for those papers.Physics yesterday was like fucking hard everybody says it.So yeah that dosnt mean im dumb rite.haha.Just now was B.M paper 1.It was friend (aqila izzati) had done 6 pages for 1 karangan weyh.Bapak panjang gyla.Apa ko tulis la weyh.haha.I know it has to be more then 350 but i guess you dont have to do it till 6 pages la draling.haha.Add math??was fuckinh hard also.But amirul says its quiet eazy.Ok that want i dnt know if im dumb or what.haha.Tomorrow is saturday im not going to have any papers ofcours la kn.Im just going to sleep and sleep and sleep.Haha.I think i dnt have enough sleep this few days.Im buzy with exam's,tution's and just imagine how do i pack all those stuff in one day.haha.Lepak obviously tak boleh di tinggalkn la kn.For next week i still have chem paper 2,agama paper 2,sivik and pj.The last two papers who cares la kn.My exam will end next wenesday.really cant wait for it man.and yeah the following week is HOLIDAY!!!2 weeks somemore.i cnt bealive it.haha.

Now im kind of in a delima.On the 5th of july is our school hari karnival and on the 5th of july is also the cheer 2009.Plus i have to handle the hari karnival for my class.My woman jia yi is performing for the cheer.She is asking all of her friends to go support VULCANZ!!So yeah knw i dont know which one to go and which one not to go.Jia yi cnt stop saying tht this is their last year performing.But for me also this is the last year for me to enjoy the hari karnival as a student.Yeah you are rite the karnival any year we can still go.But the fealling of you selling something are different.And its also true the felling's of seeing your own best friend performing cant never be reapeted.So now i still cant decide.But its ok i still few more month to think of it.Haha.

Btw my drining class will end soon and im going to get my lessen next wenesday im going to take my JPJ test.Pray for me ok my friends.hehe.For syahirah i still remember my promise ok.Hehe.=)

Hug's and kisses from me to you sayang <3

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

please let her be as she likes!

One thing that i would ask u to do is LET HER BE OR DO AS SHE LIKE.ITS NON OF YOUR BUSINESS !!If she like's somebody who dont eat pork also who cares man.Its non of your business.Im here not to fight with you.But pls la between you and her has nothing already.So get your own new life.And pls dnt kacau her friends.She didnt talk bad about you to us so why would you and why are you talking bad about her friends?You had also insult her friend with the word "dnt eat pork" what you wanna be racist la now?!Oh and one more i would like to advise you.Please dont steal other people's friends la.Its not good ok.

P/s : please let her be as she like's.Let her friend's with who ever she wants to and let her do what she ones to do!Its non of your business already!!!!

Friday, May 8, 2009


Today was my bad luck day.I lenyek my kuching!!!Damn i rasa besalah gyla rite now.i cnt stop crying from petang td.although i went or my tusyen but i still cnt stop thinking of my cat.i cnt consentrate at my studiest.

The story starts like this.I was late to go to taipan.Then i keep on bagging to my brother to be a littlebit fast.Then he said go start the car and bring the car out.I pon just start the car and started to move suddenly i felt something yg mcm keras yang membuat kn kereta macam susah nk jalan.but it still moves.then i heard one kind of sound yang i rasa i kenal that sound.then i shouted at my brother "APA TU??"then he said "SPICE!!!!".I was what the FUCK MAN!!!i just jump out of the car and run towards my car.She was running.Dia lari dia seret kaki i sure that i lenyek only the back leg.then she went into the longkang.I sat ther crying non stop.Then my dad n my bro came and calm me.And now my cat is kind of ok.My mom said she saw my cat walking and jumping from my mom's hand.So my mom said she is find.Her leg terseliuh only.SEDIH GYLA!!!I FELT SO GUILTY!!