Saturday, May 30, 2009

Funny stuff

I just got back from kampung.Today we had doa selamat as usual for my grandfather.He is an old man that had been paralise almost 2 years i guess.I cant really remember.But for me it has been a long time.I miss the time he took me and my cousin's go jalan2 in his car the stright balik kampung and buy me gula gula and the time's he scream's at us about how loud our voice is and those stuff.I miss you atok.But what can i say people grow old.Adik selalu doa kn atok taw.Btw he is not dead yet but just paralise.

Ok get back to my topic here.Today i had a lot of fun and i ate alot too.Lol.I woke up at 9.30 something because i had to go to a hospital near the master mind.Is that a hospital or a clinic im not sure.Haha.I had some problems that i cant really tell you guys.It's something about a teenage girl.I went there with my mom.Our usual doctor recemand us to go there.He said the doc. name is Datuk Dr. Subramaniam.So my mom said cnfm the price must be *Boom*.Then as we enter the room.A young doc. is there and he said he is Dr. subramaniam.My mom ask him are you the Datuk.why do you look so young.Then he said he is a doc not Datuk.Then my mom said are you his son then he said no im the amployie.Ok so what ever la kn.He ask me to baring then suddenly he ask me.You penah cukur misai or jangut tak?I was lik wht the ****.I say NO!!My mom start to freak out and ask the doc.Is my daughter is becoming a guy or what.Then the doc. laugh like there's no tomorow.He said it has to do something with the hormon la.Me and my mom start to laught like there's tomorow also.Then i got up he was talking to my mom about something that i could not hear.bla bla bala.A few minutes later when i was about to be done with him.He ask me are you a sexual active person.I was shock and stright away say NO.Ok cnfm la kn.Im not a sex maniac.haha.=)

Then just now at kampung me and lily had done somthing bad towards my brother.My grandmother called him apit instead of afiiq.Then lily was trying to correct her with afiiq not nenek still cant pronause it correctly.Suddenly this words come out of my mouth.Apit tersepit kena kepit.Hahaha.I laugh and laugh and laugh so do lily.My brother said i kena sawan because i laugh till i jatuh katil.He was like damn angry.Then lily's turn to come out with one sentance.I cant remember what is tht sentance actually but it has a word of abg pit and somthing mat lempit and tah pape tah lagi.My brother halau me from the room then he went out and report to my mom.I went out and say those words infront of my mom and aunty they also laugh.Haha.Sorry abang.we had so much fun today at kampung.Tomorow im going back to kampung hope it will be as fun as today.

Isnt that funny.=)

p/s:Abang im so sorry i didnt mean to.But it came out just like that.Hehe.I love you abang!

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