Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Thank You

Hey people.How are you guys today?Had a good time?Hope you guys had a good time today.I'm kind of lazy to write about my day today.But it is so damn fun and happening.I'm to tired to write about it actually.Its just that i want to thank my friends who had been there for me just now. SYED FAEEZ , PANG JIAYI and EUNICE.I know we had a great time rite just now.Hehe.There are some picture that we took.But it is still in my phone and for the time being my phone is being so cacat and i cannot upload it.Oh yeah for those who want to see the picture you are welcome to go to Pang Jiayi's blog.she has all the picture.I thing so she will upload it la.Sorry if she did not.Hehe.

So yeah talk again later.I need to go now and take my rest.BTW tomorrow is the 5Th day of puasa.We got another 25 days to go and its RAYA!!!

Thank you.

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