Yeah its raya everybody.The day that everyone is waiting for after 1 month of fasting in the bulan Ramadhan.As usual my routine for raya is the same.Balik kampung for the last buka puasa lepak there till 12am and come back to subang.I guess this is because at kampung dahtak muat nk tidur so my family choose to travel back to subang.Its not that far from Sijangkang,Klang to Subang rite.Then after sembahyang Raya we went to arwah Abbil's kubur and pay some respect for him before heading to my nenek sedara's house in puchong.We were the 1st to arrived there.So we had to wait for one hour till the food is ready and all.*Dah la lapar nk mampos. ;) After that straight to my cousins house also in puchong.When i reach there my other cousin sara is just about to go home.So sampi sampi je teros ambik gamba.*The picture is with Tasya so I'll wait for her to upload it 1st then I'll take it from her OK.So yeah I'll post it other time OK people. ;)
In the evening we went back to Klang again and as usual we arrived there my Mak long's family is getting ready to balik Tanjungkarang his husband village.And as usual all of my nenek punya sedara will come and come and non stop coming.So i have to help my mom with the food and the drink and the kuih.After sometime i get tired and went inside the room and saw my brother sleeping and i staright away sleep beside him.* Banyak the "and" ;) I woke up around 6.30 and my mom said she had went to all of her aunts house without me and she purpously didnt wake me up.Why la mama ;) After that i ate something tht i cant remember what is that and it hurt my tooth so much.So now im suffering from a tooth pain!!!! SAKIT NY!!
Btw guys got to go.Something urgent came up.Got to rush.I'll continue ok.DOnt worry ;)
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