Thursday, May 21, 2009

Exam + delima = i dont know

Gosh.i cant think how did i sit for those papers.Physics yesterday was like fucking hard everybody says it.So yeah that dosnt mean im dumb rite.haha.Just now was B.M paper 1.It was friend (aqila izzati) had done 6 pages for 1 karangan weyh.Bapak panjang gyla.Apa ko tulis la weyh.haha.I know it has to be more then 350 but i guess you dont have to do it till 6 pages la draling.haha.Add math??was fuckinh hard also.But amirul says its quiet eazy.Ok that want i dnt know if im dumb or what.haha.Tomorrow is saturday im not going to have any papers ofcours la kn.Im just going to sleep and sleep and sleep.Haha.I think i dnt have enough sleep this few days.Im buzy with exam's,tution's and just imagine how do i pack all those stuff in one day.haha.Lepak obviously tak boleh di tinggalkn la kn.For next week i still have chem paper 2,agama paper 2,sivik and pj.The last two papers who cares la kn.My exam will end next wenesday.really cant wait for it man.and yeah the following week is HOLIDAY!!!2 weeks somemore.i cnt bealive it.haha.

Now im kind of in a delima.On the 5th of july is our school hari karnival and on the 5th of july is also the cheer 2009.Plus i have to handle the hari karnival for my class.My woman jia yi is performing for the cheer.She is asking all of her friends to go support VULCANZ!!So yeah knw i dont know which one to go and which one not to go.Jia yi cnt stop saying tht this is their last year performing.But for me also this is the last year for me to enjoy the hari karnival as a student.Yeah you are rite the karnival any year we can still go.But the fealling of you selling something are different.And its also true the felling's of seeing your own best friend performing cant never be reapeted.So now i still cant decide.But its ok i still few more month to think of it.Haha.

Btw my drining class will end soon and im going to get my lessen next wenesday im going to take my JPJ test.Pray for me ok my friends.hehe.For syahirah i still remember my promise ok.Hehe.=)

Hug's and kisses from me to you sayang <3


  1. aaaaaaaaa jiihan! u mentioned my name on your post. i terharu :') thanks love. me love you too. i'll pray for you always.

  2. hahaha.ur welcm darling.i slalu tringt kn u kalo ckp psl keta.hahaha.i pon x taw asl.haha.i love you so3 too

  3. haha really? ohh goshh sumpah la terharu gila nie ;')

  4. alalala.tak payah la terharu sgt kn.hahaha

  5.'s kinda hyper mse tulis karngn tuh
    terlebih semngt
    so,jalan je la

  6. aqila!!!
    haha.agak la awk nmpk semgt gyla masa buat tu.haha.xpe2 insyallah dpt markah lebih.haha

  7. yeah~
    kalau x byk melalut n careless mistakes~
